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Don't lose sight of my words.  Let them penetrate deep within your heart, for they bring life and radiant health to anyone who discovers their meaning.  ~Proverbs 4:21-22

August 14th, 2002
Home sweet home.

Hello and welcome!
       Life has been changing beautifully for me.  It's been a long time since I've updated this website- since then a great deal of change has happened in my life and I hope to share this with you.  Feel free to also visit my online journal for a more in depth view:

Update: 12/22/03

Currently I am living and studying at the CSE- Catholic School of Evangelisation in St. Malo Manitoba.  Living in community is always a great opportunity to grow in holiness, when you're praying offer up a few for all of us at the CSE that we can truely grow closer to Christ. 

It has been nice to be home for a week, soon I'll be going up to Saskatoon Sask (Canada) for a University aged Catholic conference called "RiseUp!" I can't wait!

Merry Christmas everybody!!!

Feel free to write me : Shaina@catholic.org 

Remember the children.

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